Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Doxas Dialos: Episode 007 - Qualifications Of A Worship Leader

We lead off week 007 of Doxas Dialos with a sample of "I Need You More" by Grace Center Worship, an amazing unsigned worship band from Franklin, Tennessee that you've probably never heard, but we're pretty sure you'll love. Then our top agents investigate the issues surrounding the question: who is qualified to lead worship?

"It's not the performance that matters... excellence can be a form of worship, but excellence can also be a god."

"Wanna go ride bikes?"

Shout Outs

Go Deeper: Links to subjects mentioned in the Podcast

Download Episode 007 (.mp3)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Doxas Dialos: Episode 006 - A Tribute To Keith Green

The usual suspects (Dave, Jeff, and Jon) talk with Jarrod, a local hard core Keith Green fan, about Keith's contribution to modern Worship music and the lasting impact of his ministry.

"I repent of ever having recorded one single song, and ever having performed one concert, if my music and more importantly, my life has not provoked you into Godly jealousy or to sell out more completely to Jesus!"

-Keith Green

Shout Outs (special local edition)

Go Deeper: Links to subjects mentioned in the Podcast

Download Episode 006 (.mp3)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Michael Gungor Shows Some Brotherly Love

I just got back from an amazing night of Worship in Philadelphia and I want to share with it with you. I went down to the Acquire The Fire Battle Cry Conference at the Spectrum where I got to interview Michael Gungor of The Maichael Gungor Band right before he went and lead worship for the packed out stadium (look for the interview on Doxas Dialos in a couple of weeks). Interview summary: great guy with heart of a worship leader who is well aware of the special role that has been given him and the serious responsibilities that come along with it. Between you and me, I'm really glad that I got to interview him before I saw him play, or else I would have known first hand what kind of talent I was talking to and gotten really nervous. On stage The MGB infused a punk rock energy into the lyrics of a Psalmist. My favorite song of the evening was the newest song from MGB called Ancient Skies, I don't have the lyrics but it was basically a worship song that juxtaposes God as a huge and powerful creator, the creator of Ancient Skies, and a close and personal friend. I really enjoyed myself and I'm going to do my best to make it out to their next concert on June 3rd in New Holland, Pa.

(*Note: when I first wrote this it was two in the morning after a really long day and I was Mistakenly refering to Michael Gungor as David Gungor. I profusely apologize to all the readers and the Band. Best Wishes.)

Listen to The Michael Gungor Band
More about Acquire the Fire

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

To all our readers out there we just wanted to say you rock and that were so excited that there is a group of people in the world who believe in the value of Worship music for reaching the lost and bringing the world wide body of Christ closer together.

You also Rule

Monday, May 08, 2006

Doxas Dialos: Episode 005 - Worship In The Emerging Church, Part 2

This week Doxas Dialos opens up with a little David Crowder sample and then jumps right back into the stimulating conversation on emerging styles of worship with their special guest Vince. If you don’t think you really understand what the emerging church is or what its about, then don’t miss these episodes.

"There is someone else out there that understands the questions that I have that are not being answered... I really felt like I could Worship God and not have all the Answers."

-Jeff on resonating with the Emerging Church

Go Deeper: Links to topics mentioned in the show

Download Episode 005 (.mp3)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Refreshed Heart: Interview with Geoff Bullock

In the early and mid 90's Geoff Bullock was the Worship Leader in Australia. He was the lead Worship Pastor at the thriving mega-church Hillsong, and the author of classic worship songs like By The Power Of Your Love and Refresh My Heart. Everything seemed perfect. He was glorifying God with his music and in return God was blessing his career beyond his wildest dreams. But in the midst of overwhelming success and apparent bliss, Geoff did the unthinkable . . . he walked away.
"Unbeknownst to me, my marriage was breaking up at the same time and obviously there were relationship problems but I was too busy and too self-possessed and too church possessed to notice. And I think there were other political issues going on at the time. Hillsong had just exploded, the church had the Midas touch, and I don’t really think that we were counting the cost of what it really took. I had an inability to say no and in the end, I just disintegrated. I just totally lost my confidence and I honestly thought that when I left, I would slip out the back door and nobody would really notice I was gone...(I)t broke their hearts and to this day there is still real unresolved sadness and a sense of betrayal. And I’m really sad for them but that’s how it was. I feel tremendously responsible that I led them along the garden path of being so incredibly enthusiastic and incredibly faithful that eventually I sentenced them to disappointment because I was trying to fulfil something that I could never achieve...” Geoff Bullock

After Geoff left he was replaced by a little known Australian singer by the name Darlene Zchech.

I like to call this whole scenario the David Complex (no its not named after myself). Here's how it usually works: God touches someones life, they use their abilities to glorify him, people are drawn and inspired by their gift, they rise up out of obscurity into the limelight, they are overwhelmed with success and make poor decisions, they fall, they hit bottom, they repent, God redeems them and sends them back out to do his will (only this time wiser and more fully dependent on him). How many times has this happened across the world and throughout history? How many times has this happened to someone you know? Worship Leaders are especially susceptible to this trap and its no wonder considering the highly visible and valued nature of their position. Its always a struggle to keep your heart right before God, and sometimes it means doing the unthinkable like Geoff . . . walking away.

Read the entire Interview with Geoff on Sitemagazine.com
Read more about Darlene Zchech

Monday, May 01, 2006

Doxas Dialos: Episode 004 - Worship In The Emerging Church

This week Jeff, Jon, and Dave have their friend Vince come on the show to explain a new Worship style/ Church style called the Emerging Church. Shout outs go to Michael W. Smith (the one and only), the amazingly talented Tim Hughes, Pastor Chris from North Carolina, the increasingly popular Mute Math, and local friends Selah Vie. This weeks featured artist is a young guy from San Diego, Phil Wickham.

"The whole Reformation that happened (through) Martin Luther only went half way. Because he talked about reforming Theology but not about the Practice of the Church." Vince Donachie

Phil Wickham, a Worship artist (click here)
Background info on the Emerging Church (click here)
the Emerging Church by Dan Kimball (click here)

Download Episode 004 (.mp3)