I just got back from an amazing night of Worship in Philadelphia and I want to share with it with you. I went down to the Acquire The Fire Battle Cry Conference at the Spectrum where I got to interview Michael Gungor of The Maichael Gungor Band right before he went and lead worship for the packed out stadium (look for the interview on Doxas Dialos in a couple of weeks). Interview summary: great guy with heart of a worship leader who is well aware of the special role that has been given him and the serious responsibilities that come along with it. Between you and me, I'm really glad that I got to interview him before I saw him play, or else I would have known first hand what kind of talent I was talking to and gotten really nervous. On stage The MGB infused a punk rock energy into the lyrics of a Psalmist. My favorite song of the evening was the newest song from MGB called Ancient Skies, I don't have the lyrics but it was basically a worship song that juxtaposes God as a huge and powerful creator, the creator of Ancient Skies, and a close and personal friend. I really enjoyed myself and I'm going to do my best to make it out to their next concert on June 3rd in New Holland, Pa.
(*Note: when I first wrote this it was two in the morning after a really long day and I was Mistakenly refering to Michael Gungor as David Gungor. I profusely apologize to all the readers and the Band. Best Wishes.)
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Acquire the Fire
its the MICHAEL Gungor Band not david just to let you know