The Great Commision Keeps Rolling

This Sunday I found an amazing article in the Philadelphia Inquirer (yeah, they still print newspapers). The article explores a phenomenon in the population shift of Christianity from the West (US, UK, CA, etc.) to the East (India, China, South Korea,etc,)
"In 1960, there were an estimated 50 million evangelical Christians in the West, and 25 million in the rest of the world; today, there are an estimated 75 million in the West, and 325 million in the rest of the world"
"They are infusing it with local traditions and practices. And they are even sending 'reverse missionaries' to Europe and the United States."-Philadelphia Inquirer
Even though for many Christians this isn't news, it does beg the question, 'What does this mean for Worship Music'? We'll, as I've highlighted on this blog before, it means we're going to see more and more musical influences from other countries and cultures in western Worship music. Check out the previous posts on Soweto from Africa and Aradhna from India. I for one whole heartedly embrace it and look forward to the day when Sunday morning incorporates more then two styles of Worship music.
Inquirer Report