Flying Into Daybreak

The gotee guru himself, Charlie Hall, has just released his newest Worship album Flying into Daybreak (circa Jan, 2006) . Following up his 2003 On The Road to Beautiful, a studio crisp Flying into Day Break is a mix of sincerely personal ballads and Worship anthems. It's selling well on I-tunes (#27 in all sales).
A song that will find it's way into a Church near you: Center (a plea for help in re-aligning the position God has in our lives). For me the must hear track is Come For Me, a heart stirring song of personal Worship about waiting on the Lord for daily rescue which closes out the album with quiete awe.**Side note: I can't help but notice how much Charlie Hall sounds like Peter Furler of Newsboys, especially on the track Your Glory Endures Forever. This is by no means takes away from the value of the album, just an observation.
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